Did you know that most people who walk into your shop found you or your business through social media or search engines?

Consumers are now relying on these platforms to find what they need and to check reviews of a product they want to buy, the restaurant they want to dine in, or the business establishment they like to visit.

  1. Search engines and social media platforms. – They have different formats when it comes to advertisements. Check them out before running a campaign and abide by their rules.

2. Use relevant keywords. – Keywords are words and topics that describe what your content is all about and is relevant to your business.

3. Call to action – use a strong call to action like “Get 50% discount when you subscribe” or “Call us for a free estimate”.

4. Update your website. – It is very important to regularly update your website. Check the analytics, update keywords, and your content.

5. User-friendly website – Make sure that your website is mobile-friendly, loads fast, clutter-free navigation, and as much as possible                    accessible to all users including the blind, deaf, and the elderly.

6. Blog – Create quality and compelling blog posts that are relevant to your business. This is an extremely useful tool to increase traffic                to your website.

7. Re-purpose blog posts – make your old content fresh and new again by updating the content. Promote it to your website and share it                 with your social media accounts.

8. SEO – with the right keywords, SEO can bring traffic to your website and visibility in search engines.

9.  Reviews/Testimonials – People nowadays rely on testimonials before they buy the product or visit establishments. Ask your happy                    customers if they can give feedback about their experience and post it to your website or social media accounts.