When you think of promoting your business online the first thing comes to your mind are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

However, you must take note of this, YouTube is one of the most powerful platforms now when it comes to social media. It is the second-largest search engine next to Google.

How to promote your business on YouTube?

  1. Connect to customers – Connecting to your customers is one way to sell them your product and services. By seeing your brand and knowing your products, your company gains trust and confidence from your audience.

  1. Present your products – Showcase your products and more of the sellable items. Present your products in different angles and positions. Let your audience see all sides of the product. As much as possible use a high-quality video camera. If the budget is tight use your smartphone but be sure the quality is good.

  1. Instructional Videos – People now prefer watching instructional videos and follow real-time rather than reading a manual. The how to do video is extremely helpful to help your audience and customers know what to do or use your products. Be accurate and demonstrate the how-to-do steps.

  1. Marketing – YouTube is a great avenue to connect to your audience by live streaming your video. If you have a product launch, doing instructional video, or just a question-and-answer moment to help your audience with any concerns that they may have, this is a marketing strategy you may want to do.

  1. Testimonials – Identify customers who are incredibly happy with your products and services. Ask their permission for a video testimonial. Customers always want to know and see people giving reviews because this is one way, they can understand the product from other’s experiences. From there, they will decide if it is what they need or want. If it’s what they are looking for then – boom – they will buy the product and it’s going to be sales for you.