Digital technology has made our life easier and for most businesses as well. It has completely transformed how businesses are performing and attracting new clients and customers.

What is digital technology?

An umbrella term for computer-based products and solutions. Considering that nearly everything designed and developed these days uses computers, it is a rather vague term. Digital technology may refer to using new algorithms or applications to solve a problem even if computers were used to develop solutions in the past. –

Digital technologies for your Business

  1. Website – Websites are typically dedicated to a particular topic or purpose, such as news, education, commerce, entertainment, or social networking. Wikipedia

  1. eCommerce – Online shopping continues to grow especially when the covid19 pandemic hits the world economy and people were advised to stay at home. Big retail companies, as well as small business owners, turn to eCommerce to serve their customers more. People are now getting the luxury and convenience of online shopping.

  1. Social Media – In recent years, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube have seen a boost in popularity. These platforms have been the avenue for businesses and influencers to promote their product and services and connect with their followers for free.

  1. Video streaming – This can easily be accessed through devices such as television, computer, laptop, and smartphones. Applications such as Skype, Hangouts, and Web conferencing tools like Zoom, GoToMeeting are extremely useful and helpful when it comes to virtual meetings and events.

  1. Blogs – Regular posting of articles can increase interaction with your customers and followers. Including videos in your blog can build trust, loyalty and eventually add new fans and supporters. The approach is to be consistent with the publishing of your content.