What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation involves using digital technologies to remake a process to become more efficient or effective. The idea is to use technology not just to replicate an existing service in a digital form, but to use technology to transform that service into something significantly better. Zdnet.com

What is digitalization?

  • is the process of converting information into a digital (i.e. computer-readable) format.[2] The result is the representation of an object, image, sound, document, or signal (usually an analog signal) by generating a series of numbers that describe a discrete set of points or samples. The result is called digital representation or, more specifically, a digital image, for the object, and digital form, for the signal. In modern practice, the digitized data is in the form of binary numbers, which facilitate processing by digital computers and other operations, but, strictly speaking, digitizing simply means the conversion of analog source material into a numerical format; the decimal or any other number system that can be used instead. – Wikipedia

Why are digital transformation and technology important?

Before, companies maintained physical documents like records in paper, photocopies, ledgers, and stored them in filing cabinets. But with technology, it surpasses traditional responsibilities like marketing, sales, and customer service when the computer went mainstream.

Digitalization simplifies how you work.

In digitalization, documents and records are easily and immediately saved and recovered through a computer or mobile device. The process of looking up relevant data and information has become more efficient when searching physical documents were replaced by entering keywords on the computer or mobile devices.

Value to Customer Relations

Indeed, digital transformation changed the way business is achieved, organized, performed, and accomplished. Companies are taking advantage of the digital age and finding ways to leverage technology. Businesses are revisiting everything they do to best serve their customers from internal systems to customer interactions both in-person and online.

Change your business to use digital transformation.

Digital transformation has restructured how businesses tackle and approach customer service. Before the rise of technology, customers have to call the hotline number to get reach out to customer service but, with the influence of social media, everything changed in marketing, customer service, and sales