The title that you create for your YouTube video post is particularly important when uploading your content. Having great content and quality videos are not enough to get you an audience. You should have a catchy title to attract their attention and create intrigue.

What is a video title?

– A video title is brief information about your video. This is where your audience will find your video first and then decide if they want to check it out or not. Your video title is the essential factor to rank your video on the YouTube search.

Video title ideas:

  1. Title length – Keep your title precise, short, and limited to 70 characters. Once your character is over the limit, YouTube will use an ellipsis to shorten the characters, thus viewers cannot read the whole title.

  1. Catchy title – Use catchy titles to attract the attention of your audience like “Amazing, Incredible, OMG!”.Remember, your content needs to entertain and delight your audience and not just tricking them with your title so they will click on the video.


  1. Keywords – Use keywords in your title and not only on video tags because the YouTube algorithm also considers the keywords on the title. However, overusing keywords is against the YouTube rules, so limit your keyword use.


  1. Start with “How to” – Remember that YouTube is a search engine. Many visitors on YouTube start their search by typing “how to…”If your video is about tutorials or giving answers to some questions, then you may want to start your title with “How to ____.” 

  1. Use numbers – Yes, numbers. One of the knacks to use if you’re are a solutions Youtuber – meaning, you give ideas or solutions to your audience – is using numbers in your title like “10 best practices, Top 10 do’s and don’ts, 10 most amazing ______.”