Promo videos are good for your business. But the thought of creating videos and what type of videos to make for your business can be overwhelming. Videos can create hype and encourages new clients to visit your site and buy your products and services.

Here’s some type of videos that you may want to consider for your business

  1. Product Videos – A video that showcases the products and or services that your company offers while engaging with your audience. This is beneficial to potential customers who need more information about the product.


2. Promotional videos – This kind of video is somewhat like an invitation. You are giving a feel of what you are offering to your patrons                 and customers. Along with a call to action, you are inviting people to check out your brand and hopefully generate leads.


  1. Teaser Videos – This is a short video that showcases an upcoming, event, campaign, or new product. You are building hype and excitement to customers with this short clip but just enough to get them to look forward before the product launch or event date.


  1. Testimonial videos – Consumers prefer products with testimonials and reviews. Testimonial videos put a face with a name for a review, which is more trustworthy than a written review which could be curated by a bot. This builds trust and convinces shoppers to buy the product. Consumers influence shoppers.


  1. Podcast videos – One of the best ways to reach out to your customers and audience is through Podcast You can record each episode and share it on your YouTube channel, website, and social media accounts like Spotify. This way, people can tune in to your podcast and the opportunity to grow your followers.


  1. Sales Videos – If you are working with international clients, this type of video is good for you. You can customize your presentation according to your client’s needs. Prospective clients will have the opportunity to watch your presentation anytime at their convenience. This will give their team the time to decide whether to avail the products and services offered.


  1. Educational videos – Educational videos are an excellent way to educate your viewers and customers about your products and services. You can teach them a step-by-step tutorial on how to use your product. Make your video as engaging and educational as possible. This will save you time answering emails or phone calls about product concerns or questions that can easily be answered in your video.


  1. Product launch video – Most companies, especially the big ones, use videos to launch their new product. To create hype about your new product, send your message to your audience through social media. Engage your audience and sell them your new products.


  1. Thank you videos – This video is a way to thank your loyal customers for supporting your product and services. This gives a personal touch and gratitude for doing business with you or your company.