When you were thinking of building your business, did you consider creating a logo? For some, a logo is not a priority for the business. But for others, the logo shouts business. A good logo should be simple but visually appealing that consumers can easily connect with the brand – it cultivates loyalty.

Here are some reasons why your business should have a logo.

1)     Brand Identity – Good branding is the way to get better brand recognition. Since you are telling a story about your brand to your consumers, you must consider the colors, fonts, size, and of course, the message of the logo that you want to convey.

2)     Brand Loyalty – Consumers become familiar with your logo as your brand grows. If a shopper goes to the mall and saw the logo of a brand that they love, there’s no doubt they will check it out and see what the new offerings are and probably buy.

3)     Attention-grabbing – If your logo is unique and attention-grabbing, people are more likely to remember your brand. Consumers’ attention spans these days are very short, and you have just seconds to convince consumers that your products are memorable and worth a try.

4)     Impression – The first thing consumers see of your brand is usually your logo. Your logo is the introduction of your company to the public. As the saying goes – the first impression is the lasting impression.

5)     Distinguishes you from the competition – If you want to set your brand apart from the competition, dare to be different. You should send your message to the market that your brand is unique from the rest of the competition.

6)     Brand retention – Your logo is like your ID. You want your customers to recognize your brand once they spot your logo, connect with them, retains a good impression, and a good recall.

A logo is vital to the growth and success of your business and brand identity. If you do not have a powerful logo, your business is missing a lot of opportunities. So now you know the importance of a logo, you should talk to a professional to do the branding for you.


One of the services that Heights Digital Marketing offers is logo design. Ready to talk? We’re ready to create something great!

Contact us at   CONTACT Heights Digital Media and let’s talk.