Your website is your store, your brand, and maybe even your life. Your website can make or break your business. Building a website does not end when it is up and live to the public. When you have a website, you should understand that there will always maintenance to do just like having a physical store. The digital platform could crash, be affected by malware or a virus that could potentially harm your site or visitors, outdated versions of the theme, and many more.

What are the benefits of Website Maintenance?

Protect your business – An outdated and poorly maintained website is a turn off to customers. Keep your website updated. Fix broken links, update your SEO, write compelling content, upload quality images, fix bugs, and prevent viruses.

  1. Protect your business – An outdated and poorly maintained website is a turn off to customers. Keep your website updated. Fix broken links, update your SEO, write compelling content, upload quality images, fix bugs, and prevent viruses.
  2. Increase your online presence – If you have a user-friendly and well-maintained website, chances are visitors and customers will stay on your site longer and see more of what you have to offer them. This will increase your online presence and in the long run, you will gain returning customers.
  3. Cost-saving – A well-maintained website will cost you less than leaving it behind until there is too much work to do to salvage your site.

If you are not technically inclined or you’re just so busy running your business, you can hire a professional to do the work for you. Heights Digital Media offers an extensive solution for your website maintenance needs.

What we offer:

  • Monthly SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Improvements & Reports
  • Our team on retainer to update content, images, blog posts, events, products
  • Site security monitoring and updates
  • Site performance and speed updates
  • 1 on 1 training with our team to empower you and your team

Do you have a big idea we can help with? Need to talk now? Heights Digital Media is just a click away. We are happy to help you grow your business.