Do you want to know how to shoot videos like a Pro?

Getting a professional-looking video is more about your skills and technique than your equipment. You don’t need to break your wallet on expensive tools. Utilize whatever you have at the moment and just practice your skills.

You can shoot videos using a video camcorder, a DSLR, and a smartphone. All you need to do is master these basic video tricks.

1) Plan your shoot – Before heading out, you should already know what you want to do and what you want to shoot. This will save you time instead of thinking of what to shoot on the spot.

2) Use the back camera of your phone – If you are using a smartphone, it is best to use the back or rear camera because the resolution is higher than than the front camera.

3) Use a tripod – Using a tripod to improve video quality and reduce camera movement.

4) Use grid – This is also called the “rule of the thirds” and one of the basic principles of film composition. Place your subject along with one of the lines of the grid instead of positioning your subject right in the middle of the shot.


5) Record in landscape mode – When you are using a smartphone camera, always use the widescreen format. You can capture much more content and extra space for you to work around when you edit.

6) Good lighting – Lighting makes an enormous difference in the quality of your finished video. Even if your video is great but the lighting is poor, your video will look amateur. 

7) Clean and simple background – Your video will not look professional if your background is cluttered and messy. Keep it clean and simple.

8) Clear audio – Your audio is as important as the quality of the video. No one wants to watch and listen to fuzzy and indistinct audio.

9) Avoid using the zoom – it’s tempting to zoom a subject but using digital zoom can degrade the quality of your image and most likely your video becomes erratic.

10) Avoid shaky footage – even if your content is great, if the video is shaky it will look like a home video. Use video stabilization or a tripod.

11) Use different angles – adding different angles can add attention to your video.

12) Use basic effects for beginners – This will make your videos more stunning.


             b) Slow motion

             c)     Split screen effect