The world has experienced a drastic change when Covid19 almost paralyzed the world economy.

People were asked to stay home, churches closed, schools closed, businesses closed, and many were left unemployed.

Big business suffered enormous losses that some filed for bankruptcy and small businesses who are still standing tall strived to stay afloat. It is like a survival of the fittest. One must learn to make its way to the new normal of the business during and after Covid19.

Because of imposed social distancing, many businesses are taking the opportunity of having their employees work remotely and entrepreneurs are either changing courses and took advantage of the internet and social media by selling their products and services online to make their presence known to the public.

There are tons of opportunities waiting to be discovered and are worth exploring. And here are some tips on what to do with your business:

  1. Digital Marketing –  with the new normal, people are buying more from e-commerce and online shops. Take advantage of the increase in online shopping. You don’t have to be one of the big names in the industry to get a slice of the cake.

  1. Improve your website

What to do you with your website:

a. Revisit your website layout – is your website layout engaging, user-friendly, and attractive that will entice your potential customers to look at your products and services?

b. Update the list of your products and services

c. Be sure to inform your customers about your Covid19 safety measures

d. Have a call to action on your website

e. Set up a mailing list and keep in touch with your patrons

f. Optimize your website for search so people can easily find you online

3. Create new ideas – see and learn what the people in your community are looking for. What do you think your business can do to meet their basic needs and wants?

a. What are their needs?

b. What are their wants?

c. What are their challenges in terms of looking for products and services that my business can cater to and solve their dilemma?


  1. Be competitive – almost everything is ordered online and delivered to the customers. As a business owner, you have to adapt to the new normal and be on the edge of the competition.

  1. Delivery – if your business can do deliveries then deliver the products that you are selling. Integrate ordering and deliveries on your website.
  2. Services – if your business is selling services like that of a life coach, you may use calendar tools for scheduling, a cart for courses ordered, or online ticketing for your online events.
  3. Conferencing Tool –Before, Zoom and other conferencing platforms are mainly used for webinars. But with the new normal, schools, churches, businesses, entertainment, and social gatherings are using this technology to meet and greet. You can use this tool to get connected to your customers about a product or service update.

Give your business the online presence it deserves. Visit our website to find out more about our services. Let’s talk!