TikTok is where you can unleash your brand’s creative side.

A fully immersive no judgment world where there’s an audience for every voice. I know what you’re thinking, “Isn’t TikTok that funny app that my kids won’t stop talking about?” Yes, it is. But it is also so much more and can be extremely beneficial for your business. Let us tell you why…

  1. No matter how big or small your business, no matter what you’re making or selling, you have the chance to get your business out there more than ever. Tiktok doesn’t currently limit your reach. In other words, they aren’t as greedy as Facebook and your reach is still so organic on there!

  1. Business TikTok accounts are very different from personal accounts. They are specifically geared to help promote your brand. With a business account you’ll get more insights and analytics, but more restrictions with sounds you can use.

  1. TikTok has 1.2 billion active monthly users and it is in more than 150 countries. That’s a lot of people to reach. With this you might be thinking, “I need local outreach and marketing” and you’re right, but TikTok has that covered as well. For instance, if you like a video with the hashtag “#raleighnc” TikTok will show you more videos with captions and hashtags about Raleigh, NC. Just like every other device nowadays, the more the algorithm gets to know you the more catered it is to what you like and want to see.


  1. Great news. The number of followers you have on TikTok does not at all affect your chances of getting thousands of views on your videos. It is so much easier to go viral on Tiktok. Businesses dream about this kind of exposure! One of our first videos on @heightsdigital took a week and then went viral with millions of views.


  1. The algorithm. No one really knows why it works so well because the creators of TikTok would not disclose that information. But we do know that “The Batch Effect” plays a big part in creators blowing up on TikTok. This basically means that TikTok picks what “batches” of people see your videos and at what time they see them, and then it will push the video out to a different batch of people. Your video will usually go out to the first 100 people to see how they respond, then 1,000, and so on..

Whatever type of business you have (B2B or B2C) you should take advantage of an app that is so organic and doesn’t cost you a penny in marketing dollars right now. Think about the first people that were on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Every single business owner has to build their personal and professional brand. If you’re too busy and don’t want to worry about mastering another platform then send us a message! We now offer this service to our clients!