Is the word shadowban something that you have heard before, familiar or new to you?

What is an Instagram shadowban?

Refers to the platform limiting your content reach by restricting visibility. The primary “indicator” of a shadowban is your hashtagged content not appearing on Explore pages to anyone but your followers. Your reach and visibility for posts being severely limited is another result.

How to remove an Instagram shadowban?

  • Discontinue any activity that goes against the terms of the service. – Stop using Instagram bots like Instagram pods to automate engagement for comments, likes, and followers.


  • Avoid using banned hashtags. – Using restricted hashtags will not only limit your engagement but could result in your account being banned especially if you use the banned hashtags repeatedly. If you are a fan of using hashtags and used banned words, you better edit and get rid of just the banned hashtag.

  • Don’t spam – Refrain from commenting, liking, and posting too frequently in a short period of time. Instagram can flag you and put you in IG timeout. The same as with how frequently you follow and unfollow accounts quickly.

  • Cancel authorization for any unapproved third-party apps. – There are a lot of third-party apps, especially the free ones that require access to your IG account. A big red flag with third-party apps are the ones that follows, unfollows, automate engagement, and looking for hashtags.


  • Avoid getting reported. – It’s not good to be reported to Instagram and get flagged for not following IG guidelines. Sometimes, the algorithm misinterprets your post for borderline content. Make sure to follow the community guidelines to avoid being reported.