Do you want to continue to build trust and grow your following from your customers and viewers? One of the things that you can do to keep them in the loop is by creating a behind the scenes content. People are social beings, and they want to connect to other people and not necessarily the brand. You may not know it but there is a lot of values in sharing the behind-the-scenes moment.

What is behind the scenes content?

Behind-the-scenes content is showing your followers what is happening behind the brand they love like the culture, management, staff, and everyday workings of the business.

Seeing the inside look of your brand will help followers develop the know, like, and trust factor which is especially important in a business.

Here are some ideas you can share with your community and followers:

1. Let them have a peek into what your daily activities are – Don’t be afraid to show them what a messy desk looks like. A messy desk does not literally mean you are a messy person but shows what your day is about – a busy bee.

2. Comical and adventurous side – Office work is not all about being so engrossed with your task and so serious with work that you forget to put a smile on your face. Show them that even with how hectic the day at the office, you and your staff have that time to laugh and enjoy each other’s company.

3. Products and Services – Showcase your products and services and let your community be a part of it by asking them some trivia or like asking them what color they want for the packaging. Engage with them.

4. Bloopers – There will always be funny moments at work. Share them with your audience – your day to day “bloopers.” For example, you are doing a video teaser for a client. This is the time to let them see how fun it is working with your team. You make mistakes, laugh, and enjoy.

5. Use Social Media – Use social media to share your day-to-day activities as Facebook live, Instagram stories, YouTube live, TikTok, and more.