Over the years, eCommerce and online shopping are booming especially in this time of the pandemic. The convenience of shopping online made people do their shopping in the comfort of their homes. Most businesses are working on improving their products and services and using the internet and social media to get a slice of the market.

How can you improve your online sales?

1) User-friendly eCommerce website – make your website not only visually pleasing but user-friendly as much as possible. Customers are very impatient. It will only take a minute or less for a customer to stay if they don’t see what they’re looking for when they visit your website. They won’t probably even visit again.

2)    Mobile optimization – Over the years, people changed how the way they access the internet. More people are using their mobile devices and not the computer. Make sure your website is mobile optimized and user-friendly

3)    Good quality product images – Pictures say a thousand words. They can make or break your business. Make it a point to only use good quality images of your products.

4)    Offer money-back guarantee – Not all customers are satisfied with the products or services you offered. To make an edge ahead of your competition, why not offer a money-back guarantee? This will not only give your customers to trust your company, but they are more likely to buy from you and become a repeat customer.

5)    Provide different payment options – Since online shopping is becoming the norm these days, offer your customers options to pay online. If you accept credit cards you may want to add another like Apple pay, PayPal, Venmo, Google Wallet, or WePay.

6)    Opt-in Pop-ups – Don’t ignore the possibility of opt-in offers. You don’t know when a visitor would want to buy and add more to their shopping cart because of an extra offer. Opt-in can also increase the number of contacts to use for your email marketing campaign.

7)    Engage with customers on social media – Yes, engage with your customers. Talk to them, answer their questions, or just saying thank you will surely go a long way. Your customers will feel loved and important. One thing that’s important is that you will have brand awareness and of course, sales.

8)    Testimonials – Sharing customer testimonials and their experiences about the products or services that you are offering will encourage website visitors to try on it. Make sure to put a face on the person giving testimony so they will know it’s real and not just a fabricated review.