How important really is a website for your business? Is it beneficial for your business to have one? How much would it cost you to have a website? What about maintaining it?

These are just some of the questions that you will have in mind when thinking of having a website, right? If you are tech-savvy, you may do this on your own if you do not have that much on your plate to run your business. However, if you are too busy with your business or if you have no idea how to create a website, you can hire someone or a company that specializes in website design.

Now, let us see how important a website is and how it can help your business.

1)     How Important is a website? – You gain more customers by having a website. In this tech generation, most people are shopping online whether they are looking for suppliers, apparel, shoes, bags, electronics, medicines, gardening stuff, house stuff, and groceries to name a few. Study shows that  71% of consumer purchases in the US start on a search engine.

2)     Benefit of having a website – Online consumerism is even more prevalent during a time when many people are staying home or working from home. In a study by the eCommerce Foundation, 88% of consumers will research product information before they make a purchase online or in the store. This buying behavior trend emphasizes the importance of a website and accessible product or service information for today’s businesses.

3)     Website for Marketing – Website marketing is the pillar of your online presence and digital marketing strategy. It is imperative that your website gives customers an idea of your brand a clear view of what type of products and or services you’re offering to the public.

4)     Professionally designed website – Always remember your website is your brand. People who are searching for products and services online will always have that first impression of each website they visit. And as the saying goes, the first impression lasts. If the consumer feels your website is unattractive and hard to navigate, they will immediately leave. However, if they feel that your website is user-friendly and can be trusted, they will stay, and likely, they will move further along the purchase funnel. One of the ways to ensure your website is easily navigable and user friendly is to have your website professionally designed.

5)     How much does a website cost? – The cost of having a website will always depend on your needs and the complexity of the website you want. If you are into customizing your website, it would probably cost you some money but it is worth the investment especially if you have an engaging website. eCommerce website costs more than a traditional website.

Anyone can build a website. You can even DIY your website if you do not have the budget and it will cost you less than hiring a web developer. However, an experienced and skilled web designer and developer can customize your website, a professional-looking website that is tailored fit according to your needs and the needs of your audience.

Do you have a big idea we can help with? Ready to talk? Call Heights Digital Marketing and let us help you grow your online presence.