You’re not a photographer or videographer so why do you have to add images to your blog?

Having visuals in your article creates more impact than with words alone. It becomes more engaging and your audience can better understand the message that you are trying to share with them.

While images give more visual in your content, the video gives the ability to express more especially with facial expressions. It can gives more impact if they see and hear the person talking.

However, don’t bombard your article with images or videos. They are only there to support your article.

Here are some reasons why you should add an image or video to your blog.


  1. A picture is worth a thousand words. – As mentioned earlier, it makes add visuals to your story. When it comes to memory, Pictorial Superiority Effect makes it easier to remember

2. Social media share – These days, a picture with a quote gets shared. If your article has images on it, the tendency is they get more                     shares than just a regular article.

3. Helps boost your SEO. – when you add hashtags and keywords to the images and videos, it will actually crawl the web and that’s                        when people will find you.

4. Increase engagement – if your article is about a tutorial, adding a bit of video can go a long way.

5. About Us – if you have a website, why don’t you try having a video of the About Us instead of just writing it just like the usual                                way. Be unique.

Whatever strategies you use for your article, the goal there is to spice up your article and stand out.

Experiment and see what your competitors are doing to boost their blogs. There’s no harm in checking out your competition and enhance their strategies according to your niche and your audience. You don’t have to copy their ideas; you just need inspiration.