Is website design important? 

Yes! Why? Because it will entice more customers to visit your website and drive more traffic to your business.

How old is your website? Is your website engaging, user-friendly, and easy to navigate?

Did you know that it will take only about 50 milliseconds or 0.05 seconds for visitors to make an opinion about your website whether they’ll stay and check your products and services or move to another one?”

Don’t believe me? 

“A study found that first impressions are 94% design-related.”  

 – (Source: The Effect of Aesthetics on Web Credibility, Farah Alsudani & Matthew Casey)

As the saying goes, first impressions last. If your website is not eye-catching and user-friendly the tendency is, your visitor will leave and look for another business website that is appealing, easy to navigate, and can simply find what they’re looking for without going through the whole website.

“47% of website visitors check out a company’s products/services page before looking at any other sections of the site.” – (Source: KoMarketing)

This is because they visited your website with products or services already in mind. If I’m looking for essential oil, for sure, I will not be browsing an office supplies website, isn’t it?

“38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. (source: Adobe)

Today’s generation is more of a visual rather than reading. That is why, if you have an obsolete and unappealing website, don’t expect more users to visit your website because chances are they will leave in a matter of seconds and won’t come back.

“57% of Internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile.” – (source: SocPub)

Do you agree? People will not share a website that is not engaging. It’s like just social media, you shared a post because you liked it whether it made you laugh or cry, but the bottom line is it made you feel good.

“70% of small business websites lack a Call to Action (CTA) on their homepage and across their website.” – (Source: GO-Gulf web development)

This is one of the most important parts of a website, the Call to Action. That action phrase that pops-up while you are browsing such as “Sign Up” or “Buy Now” will guide your visitor on what to do next. The visitors will become customers and then converting customers to sales. Your drive is to convert this leads into sales.